Thursday, February 11, 2010

Epistle - 12.23.09

Merry Christmas Everyone!

It's funny when you're a missionary, the Christmas season doesn't effect you quite the same way, because we always think of Christ year round. However, one of the joys of this season is seeing the effect it has on the hearts of those we work and interact with.

For nearly every faith this time is a time of gratitude. A time of thanksgiving and reflection upon all that which a greater power hath bestowed upon us. We are brought to a rememberance of the mercy of that great God which gave us life, and filled with a feeling of wonder and awe as we contemplate his nature and very essence; as we recognize his love in all things.

I have had a special glimpse into gratitude as I have watched my companion, Elder Luk, enjoy his first experience with snow. I have always loved snow, but have gained a new appreciation for it as I've seen the wonder it inspires in one who has never seen or experienced it before.

I love you all, and it is my Christmas wish that through the hustle and bustle of this busy Christmas season, you each find a moment to stand still and remember the birth of an infant over two millenia ago, and with wonder and awe thank God for the greatest gift ever given. His Son.

-Elder Ted E. Bear

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